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Természetvédelmi terület Lonjsko field

Lonjsko fieldLonjsko fieldLonjsko fieldLonjsko fieldLonjsko field

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Lonjsko polje is part of the valley in between the river Sava and mount Moslavac, partly along the river Lonj and is distanced about 30 km from the town of Sisak. It is the largest protected flood area, not only in Croatia, but along the entire Danube River. The park has an area of 506.5km2.

The park has an abundance of plant and animal life, along with the interesting architecture of the wooden houses of Posavina, that with their preserved beauty are real monuments to the architectural heritage of Posavina. Certain parts of the park are under strict protection such as Krapje Đol. Marshlands, forests of Ash, Willow, and Poplar, are very significant to the reservation as nesting areas for ducks. In the flood areas of the valley and Oak forests rare European animals converge such as the white-tiled eagle, the short-toed eagle, grey and white heron, black storks etc. In the flooded area high waters can last as long as six months, and is one of the largest natural breeding areas of carp fish in Europe. There are also other numerous animals characteristic to this area (autochthonous pigs, wild boars, the posavina horse, deer, roe deer, otters, beavers and wild cats).

Bird watching, bicycling, hiking, boat rides, horseback riding, swimming, and localized fishing and hunting are the main sport and recreational activities at the park. Cuisine specialties (fish stew, called krapec on procep, goulash made with game and other) excursions and photo safaris in the Lonjska Park leave all guests with an unforgettable impression.

You can get to the park from the direction of Zagreb, via Sisak. There are two information centres in the park, Ćigorć and Krapje, where visitors have access to information about the park, accommodation, tour guides and souvenirs.

Ticket price for adults is 40 kn, children 7-18 years 30 kn, and for children under 7 is 5 kn.

You can find more information here http://www.pp-lonjsko-polje.hr/

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Felnőttek 18+
Gyerekek 0-17

Lonjsko field - Szállás ajánlatunk

* ár 2024. augusztus maximális befogadókészség és 7 napos minimális napok száma

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