It is said that natural is best, since shampoos and conditioners don’t always help. That is why it is best to turn to natural hair masks.

To make light hair shiny just add rosemary essential oil (about 10 drops) to your shampoo. If you cannot get a hold of rosemary oil, then simply rinse your hair with rosemary tea.

In order to restore shine to brown hair simply prepare a hair mask using two egg whites and a cup of strong black coffee. Leave the mask on your hair for 10 – 30 minutes and rinse out using your shampoo and water.

Restore shine back to reddish hair with a natural mask prepared from strawberries and apple juice. Mash 5 medium strawberries and mix them with 2 oz of apple juice. Leave on your hair for 10 -30 minutes and rinse out with your shampoo and water.
If you have auburn hair use blueberry or black currant juice instead of apple juice.

To strengthen your scalp make a mask using: 2 egg yolks, half a teaspoon of rum and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Mix the ingredients well, rub the mixture into your hair and scalp and leave on for several hours. Rinse out using your shampoo.