Food & recipes

traditional Croatian recipes from grandma’s kitchen. Beef stew, rice, fritters, …The Mediterranean on a plate!

Pumpkin is very rich in vitamins

Pumpkin, autumn’s secret to slimness and health

Pumpkin is very rich in vitamins A, C and B2, and is an excellent source of potassium. It is considered to be an extremely...

Fried pancakes with eggplant

When we think of pancakes, we immediately think of a dessert, but we offer something a bit different this time. You will witness a...

Anthony Bourdain in Croatia: I’m an idiot!”

“I can’t believe it took me this long….season 8. It took me this long to get here. It's awesome.”... This is what Anthony Bourdain,...
Gingerbread hearts – a souvenir from Croatia

Gingerbread hearts – a souvenir from Croatia

Decorated gingerbread cookies bring us memories of the past when they were adored and longed by children and young girls. Gingerbread hearts, known as Licitarska...

Cold tuna fish and tortellini salad

Ingredients Cheese tortellini 500g Green pod 200g Canned tuna fish, drained 400g 1 bigger tomato ¾ cups of black olives, chopped 4 young cloves of onion, chopped ¾ cups of light...

The best time to visit Istria

  The answer to this question is pretty much always the same – Istria is always a good idea! 😊 Keeping in mind that Istria is...